NEET 2023 (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) is the most challenging yet prestigious and desired entrance exam among candidates willing to pursue the medical profession. All the aspirants who prepare and attempt it put their immense effort into qualifying for the exam with maximum scores to secure admission to the country’s top medical colleges/institutes.
Check Out Top NEET Mistakes That May Bring Down Your Scores
The NTA (National Testing Agency) has declared the NEET 2023 exam dates, which will be scheduled on May 7. With only a few months left before the exam, the candidates need to know these common NEET mistakes to avoid and start their preparations accordingly. Here they are as follows:
1. Ignoring NCERT Textbooks
If you’re preparing for the NEET 2023 examinations, then avoiding NCERT books is the biggest mistake you can ever make. It is often observed that most students ignore NCERT books and emphasise other study material available online. Though you can refer to other writers’ books, prioritising NCERT books is among the crucial NEET preparation tips to score decent marks in your entrance exam. You get to learn the detailed fundamentals of particular chapters/topics, related MCQs, and enough examples coupled with helpful diagrams or flowcharts. In addition, solving NCERT textbooks will help you boost your concepts.
2. Reading One Subject at a Time
Another NEET mistake aspirants often make while preparing for the exam is prioritising one subject at a time. Many students think focusing on one subject will help them score higher marks, but it’s not. Rather, you may end up with uncompleted chapters or a lack of preparation in other important subjects. For example, preparing only for Biology is not enough for scores; Physics and Chemistry are equally important. So, create a timetable consisting of all subjects and allot equal time to complete the syllabus on time.
3. Referring to Multiple Books
If you want to know how to avoid silly mistakes in NEET to score well, stop getting your hands from one book to another as it won’t help you but make your study hard, create confusion, and distract you from your preparation track. Many students buy two or more reference books for a subject for fear of not missing out on anything, but it only increases unwanted stress and anxiety. Instead, students must choose NCERT textbooks to clear out their concepts.
4. Not Analysing Last Years’ Question Papers and Mock Tests
Manage separate hours in your timetable to practice enough previous years’ question papers/mock tests to evaluate your skills, weak points, and overall progress. It is one of the most important NEET UG preparation tips. You will learn the type and difficulty level of questions asked in the exam and topics that carry more weightage. In addition, you can keep the timer ON to measure the time taken and improve your speed and accuracy.
5. Try To Cram/Mug Up Answers
Another NEET preparation mistake many candidates make is cramming or mugging up answers to complete a chapter faster. Since the NEET syllabus is vast, it is a common practice among aspirants. Mugging up things may benefit you for a shorter period, but it will not help you for longer. Why? It is because of the need for more conceptual knowledge. Unless you don’t know what a topic/chapter is all about, you won’t be able to tackle difficult questions. So, stop mugging things up and grasp concepts.
6. Constant Study for Longer Hours
Many students study for longer hours during their NEET UG preparation without taking breaks to cover the syllabus on time. During their preparation phase, they stop interacting with their friends or spend little or no time with their family members. It ultimately results in nothing else but in causing anxiety, stress, and frustration. Taking a 15 to 20-minute break is essential for every hour of study to relax your body and recharge your mind.
7. No Study Schedule
The answer to your question how to avoid silly mistakes in NEET lies in creating a practical and strategic timetable. It will help you keep track of your syllabus, and you can cover each subject with equal attention. An absence of a study schedule may make you overwhelmed and demotivated by looking at the study material remaining to cover. Instead, with a timetable, you can efficiently focus on your goals and stick to them.
8. Last-Minute Revision
How to prepare for NEET? First, stop procrastinating and leaving your revision for the last minute. Many students make this mistake as they focus more on completing the syllabus than revising things regularly. Ultimately, they can’t memorize what they’ve learned and start panicking, looking at the number of chapters to revise. On the other hand, proper and frequent revision helps you resolve all your doubts, boosts your concepts, and you better retain things for longer.
These are common mistakes that candidates should avoid during NEET preparation. Qualifying for the NEET UG exam is crucial to fulfilling the NEET PG courses’ eligibility criteria. With only a few months for the exam, students can improve their NEET preparation by working on these mistakes. Best of Luck!!